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Das Maddraxikon wünscht einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Wir freuen uns auch 2025 wieder auf eure Beiträge!
(Weitergeleitet von Quelle:MXEE6)
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Serie: Englische Edition

© Bastei-Verlag

(0 Stimmen)
Titel: Volume 6
Cover: Néstor Taylor

MX 520 - ???

Erstmals erschienen: 22.05.2023

The parallel world swaps continue! The Titanic of another world winds up stranded in our heroes’ dark future, and Archivist intervenes helpfully. Ydiel the Dinoroid stages a “big” comeback while learning the life story of another lizard-person, and at last reunites with Matt and Aruula. Then they get transported into a parallel world where they meet an astronaut named...Perry Rhodan?! Yet another Archivist helps out this time. (Those guys keep popping up with suspicious frequency, don’t they?) Finally, Rulfan’s marriage falls apart, Jacob Smythe escapes, Aran Kormak escapes, and Nick Brahmke investigates in the chaotic conclusion!

